As the 1st half of 2019 draws to a close, I thought of retracing my steps (Investment Lessons + Framework + Principles – Anthony Deden) and put forward the stocks which were mentioned during the period.
This is 2nd in Series, 1st one provided as a report card on January 6, 2019 2018: My Stock Performance Report Card
Couple of things before we proceed, below are the 3 broad timeless principles which have bode well
- As Howard Marks, one of the investing legends said: “Investing is a negative art”, if you are able to filter the ones or exclude the ones which you don’t wont in your portfolio, what would be left would be good or great.
- Time plays a very important factor in investing – What I mean is not ‘timing’, i.e. trying to time the market, but time duration or waiting period. If the investment were to be held for a long-term, despite some oscillations along the way, it becomes friend of a good business.
- ‘Suno sabki, karo apni’ – “Listen to all, however, do you own homework’. You are advised to conduct your own independent research into individual stocks or industries before making any decision.
I have tried putting unbiased thoughts mostly. During the period, have written about companies primarily from an anti-selection or exclusion perspective, some of them on multiple occasions!
Have also mentioned about some of the fundamentally strong companies. Fortunately, the “timing” was correct, since most stocks mentioned moved either up or remained stable (barring few, of course!!).
However, one needs to evaluate the circumstances, both internal and external (market price included) regularly

Disclaimer: Please note that these are my personal views. While, I am NOT a registered Research Analyst as per SEBI (Research Analyst) Regulations, 2014, all investors are advised to conduct their own independent research into individual stocks or industries before making any decision. In addition, investors are advised that past stock performance is not indicative of future price action.